J Lo just made the cover of Harper's Bazaar's best dressed list, when she appeared on their December 07 cover a year ago.
I just don't get it.
Here she is, this famous singer, actress and fashion icon and she hates dressing up for showbiz events. I wonder if she hates costume jewelry too…. Or does she just has a preference for real gold and silver jewelry and gems rather then costume jewellery ?
Where did she get that PR idea from?
Certainly not from me.
Then she has the audacity to insist "her days of gracing red carpets in eye-catching outfits are over.
OH JLO….. If you not going to swing that bod of yours, draped and covered in a wonderful long bead necklaces, pinned with crystal brooches at unconventional places around you body how are you going to glisten girl……. You may be a made star now.. but believe us…… without the finery of costume jewelry…. Even a star will lose prominence…..
What if you adorned your hands like a Indian bride with sophisticated costume jewellery like bangles and bangle bracelets, your delicate fingers with cocktail jewelry rings and your beautiful neck with amazing choker necklaces laced with Swarovski crystals?
How will our society survive without JLo walking down the red carpet in all her glory?
What is our world coming to?
(Actually, I think its a fad! She’s saying these things to bring attention in a clever way, so people like us will comment… and aren’t we just commenting!! She loves her jewelry, and better still, the fab costume jewellery pieces, like Janeo sells…… because it’s always new and expendable).
I don’t understand why people see costume jewelry as expendable…. The stuff at Janeo is so cool and durable…. It’s quality, classy and funky …..Costume jewellery at its best!... Yes, perfect for our JLo!)

Now that she has her own fashion label called Sweetface, she insists she is not into "sexy, sexy" anymore and she's not going to attending events anymore just to show off her great sense of style.
What? No Bangles, jewelry bracelets, crystal brooches….. all loaded on her delicate arm…?
No … Please tell us it ain’t so Jo…
Well what did she run for best dressed star for, if she's not going to show us her stuff?
I guess the going-out-and-being-glam thing just gets old fast.
What's the point of being gorgeous and talented and well dressed if you're not going to show everyone.
I mean even in this picture she's sporting some gorgeous jewellery bracelets similar to the Woman's Bangle Bracelet in Pewter from Janeo Jewels, with Multi-Pastel Swarovski crystals on a heart filgree pattern.
Imagine what she'd look like in this stylish, slim, limited edition crystal bangle bracelet…… not just one bangle .. but 4, 5, or 6 jewelry bangle pieces .. from the selections at Janeo( link to category page of bangles) offers, all on ONE HAND
I know I'd turn my head to look twice, even if she was well dressed over a year ago.
Wouldn't you?
Dear Jo…. Come on… don’t you think it’s just a phase?
I mean, like without jewelry, and costume jewellery especially… how can you walk down that red carpet?
Let Janeo shower you with our crystal jewelry and the best costume jewellery you can find…. And then imagine yourself as you walk down that red carpet….all eyes are on you and your gorgeous costume jewellery. So don’t worry about what you’re going to wear. Just about your jewelry.
Labels: costume jewellery, heart patter, j lo, jennifer lopez, jewelry, pastel, pewter, swaroviski crystals, swarovski chandelier earrings, woman's bangle bracelet