Big Brother Casting Calls in London
Casting calls are bringing in characters that range from precocious glamour models wearing next to nothing outfits clad in costume jewellery to the out right strange for the tenth season of Big Brother. In England auditions have wrapped in Edinburgh, Cardiff, Birmingham, Dublin and Newcastle.
In London these characters have taken over the Excel centre to prove they have the face and flair to entertain us viewers. Just image this space glimmering with young talents hoping this show will be a launching pad to a career as solid as a stainless steel bracelet and as long as a string of grandma’s pearl necklace. But with over 1,500 personas to evaluate, how do these characters stand out? How is their ability to entertain and to be interesting measured?
Ask any applicant and they will tell you that the process is a long one. Applicants are screened, placed in workshops, complete two paper forms and are video interviewed. Anytime during this process a hopeful can be kicked to the curb. A person for Endemol, the television company, says they do not look for one type of personality. He says they just want someone that can keep the viewer interested for 12 weeks. I’m sure it doesn’t hurt if you look nice, wear great costume jewellery and fashions, and have a rockin’ bod to stare at for 12 weeks either.
Sometimes, in interviews, less is more. This way the interviewer can see who you really are. You can achieve this by wearing simple make-up and costume jewellery. Even out your skin with some foundation, put on a little mascara, blush and lasts put not least wear your favourite costume jewellery. A pair of diamond stud earring always completes the look.
Labels: costume jewellery, diamond studs, pearl necklace, stainless steel bracelet
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