Vogue Goes Shopping for Value
Emanating a refined and historically choosy vibe from its glossy cover, the monthly fashion magazine Vogue tends to stand out among the slew of less serious publications. Famous among couture style mavens as well as those who simply like to imagine that they'll someday have to funds to go on a suggested shopping spree, Vogue offers its readers a glimpse of the world's catwalks and special secret finds in accessories and beauty, all while keeping its presentation slick and distinctive. With featured items and collections of pieces that frequently top the $1,000 mark, Vogue's pages have typically been limited to the realm of the imagination for many readers who might try to mimic the style with less pricey designer names (and in fact, some magazines specialize in taking the outfits presented in Vogue and other elite fashion publications and replicating them with cheap offerings from more accessible stores and brands). But lately, the luxury duds in Vogue have been taking a lesson from their less finicky cousins.
That's right, Vogue has taken on the topic of value. It may seem extraordinary that a publication usually filled with untouchable designs fresh off the world's most exclusive runways would highlight an item from Gap, but as readers have been finding out over the course of the latest crop of magazine issues, this is precisely what's happening. That's not to say that super-splurge Manolo Blahnik shoes and buttery leather Marc Jacob bags won't show up between the editorials, but the tone of the shopping guides and overviews of recent offerings are clearly oriented towards a more cash-crunched audience. The obvious reason is that the global economic downturn has taken its toll on the number of shoppers who can afford to drop thousands on new clothing items, and many people who have lost the ability to brazenly "charge it!" don't feel too drawn to pouring over pages full of things they can no longer have.
For many of Vogue's fans, the new trend is quite welcome. A Christmas special before the turn of the year offered shoppers a guide full of more affordable items that still carried the special nuances worthy of earning a Vogue approval. Since that issue, several new features have been introduced, including a "steals" section over the summer, which features many items under $500 (and some --gasp-- available for less than $100). If you've been wondering how costume jewelry would play into the deal, well, we won't be too surprised to find jaw-dropping diamonds and designer gems that could buy a house in many parts of the world replaced by more sensible, yet still captivatingly beautiful, pieces. With the effortless affordability of Swarovski crystals, Indian glass beads, filigree chandelier earrings, and other costume jewellery staples, the sparkle is sure to stay strong at Vogue, albeit in a fashion that's much more suitable to modern shoppers.
No doubt the magazine is waiting for the recession's end to have a celebratory romp with expensive designer pieces once again, but maybe --just maybe-- this stint with value will result in a more accessible fashion focus. What do you think?

That's right, Vogue has taken on the topic of value. It may seem extraordinary that a publication usually filled with untouchable designs fresh off the world's most exclusive runways would highlight an item from Gap, but as readers have been finding out over the course of the latest crop of magazine issues, this is precisely what's happening. That's not to say that super-splurge Manolo Blahnik shoes and buttery leather Marc Jacob bags won't show up between the editorials, but the tone of the shopping guides and overviews of recent offerings are clearly oriented towards a more cash-crunched audience. The obvious reason is that the global economic downturn has taken its toll on the number of shoppers who can afford to drop thousands on new clothing items, and many people who have lost the ability to brazenly "charge it!" don't feel too drawn to pouring over pages full of things they can no longer have.
For many of Vogue's fans, the new trend is quite welcome. A Christmas special before the turn of the year offered shoppers a guide full of more affordable items that still carried the special nuances worthy of earning a Vogue approval. Since that issue, several new features have been introduced, including a "steals" section over the summer, which features many items under $500 (and some --gasp-- available for less than $100). If you've been wondering how costume jewelry would play into the deal, well, we won't be too surprised to find jaw-dropping diamonds and designer gems that could buy a house in many parts of the world replaced by more sensible, yet still captivatingly beautiful, pieces. With the effortless affordability of Swarovski crystals, Indian glass beads, filigree chandelier earrings, and other costume jewellery staples, the sparkle is sure to stay strong at Vogue, albeit in a fashion that's much more suitable to modern shoppers.
No doubt the magazine is waiting for the recession's end to have a celebratory romp with expensive designer pieces once again, but maybe --just maybe-- this stint with value will result in a more accessible fashion focus. What do you think?

Labels: costume jewellery, discount fashion, discount vogue, fashion magazine, financial crisis, vogue
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