Novena and the Feast of Epiphany in Italy at Christmas
In Italy, the Christmas season goes for three weeks, starting 8 days before Christmas known as the Novena and lasts till after the Feast of Epiphany.
Italian Christmas traditions are based on Christianity. The opening of the Holy Season is announced by the sound of cannons firing from the
A week before Christmas, poor children dress up as shepherds complete with sandals, leggings tied with crossing thongs and shepherds’ hats. They go from house to house reciting Christmas poems, singing Christmas songs and playing them on shepherds’ pipes. In return they are given money to buy presents and treats.
During Christmas, small presents are drawn from a container known as the “Urn of Fate". In this lucky dip, there is always one gift per person. But the main exchange of gifts takes place on January 6, the feast of the Epiphany, the celebration in remembrance of the Magi's visit to the baby Jesus. Homes are covered with stockings filled with toys.
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Labels: costume jewellery, janeojewels, jewellery, jewelry
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At 25 December 2008 at 23:38 ,
Anonymous said...
What a beautiful piece of jewellery, it would be the perfect Christmas gift and a lovely thing to wear on this special day!
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